Facebook is an invaluable resource for digital marketers. Whether it’s an active and vibrant community page or a highly targeted ad program, Mark Zuckerberg and his team have created a premium platform where people spend loads of time.
What many people don’t realize is that when you start cross-marketing using Facebook with other channels, your impact grows exponentially.
Email marketing and Facebook are a match made in hybrid marketing heaven. Here’s how you can leverage your presence on Facebook and take your list to the next level.
1. Use a pinned post to send traffic to your newsletter sign-up page.
Pinned posts stay at the top of your feed. With an eye-catching image and a great CTA, they’re the perfect way to drive sign-ups.
2. If you use a sign-up button on your Facebook page.
Don’t send click-throughs to a generic page on your site. Send them directly to a landing page. Dedicated landing pages are proven to convert more!
3. Add a newsletter subscription page to your Facebook page itself.
You’d be surprised how many people would not want to leave Facebook, so add a subscription form to your Facebook page.
You can also use services like Linkpop to set it up.
4. Use a group and a page to generate more engagement.
Stats show that people are more likely to get involved in a group on Facebook, so by having both, you cover all the bases.
5. Use Facebook paid ads to generate interest in your free opt-in offer.
If you have a promotional offer you use to generate list subscriptions, Facebook’s paid ads can be the perfect way to promote it. They’re super targeted, and who doesn’t like a freebie popping up in their feed? Make sure you know who you’re targeting!
6. Use Facebook’s look-alike targeting option.
If you use paid ads, upload your existing list and use Facebook’s super smart look-alike targeting option. This option generates a target persona for you and targets people like the ones who already subscribe.
7. Create a contest.
Facebook contests have been a staple of the marketer’s toolkit for years, but instead of likes or comments, promote your list as the criteria for entry!
8. Create and host a webinar or podcast.
Make subscription the only cost to attend, and then use your Facebook page and group to drive traffic to the landing page.
9. Use local groups or pages to drive traffic.
If you have a local business, use local groups or pages to drive traffic to your offers. But be very careful when posting on other people’s pages or groups. Overt advertising could get you in trouble. It’s good to confirm it’s okay before you post your links!
10. Mention your newsletter on your cover image.
The first thing your visitors see when they visit your page is the banner, so add a mention of your newsletter to your cover image. It can be subtle or dominant, but if it’s there, people can’t miss it!
11. Give your fans a teaser of your newsletter-only content.
If your fans know there’s valuable content they can only access by subscribing to your newsletter, they’ll be happy to sign up.
12. Use Text to Join
Give visitors and fans of your Facebook page another sign-up option. After all, up to 90% of Facebook’s users access it on their phones!
13. Use Facebook’s retargeting options.
This will keep visitors coming back often enough to sign up.
14. Go live!
People sign up to get news from experts. So get on Facebook live, and show the world that you know what you’re talking about!
15. Have a group? Tell each member about your newsletter.
If you have a group as part of your Facebook marketing strategy, welcome every new member. Tell each new member about your newsletter, and why they should subscribe. It’s personal, it’s unexpected, and it is another important connection with your prospect.
When setting up your group, consider the keywords. While Facebook pages are based on your business name, groups can be topic-based. This broadens the reach of your group and helps to ensure your group shows up in search results.
Finally, when using groups for Facebook marketing, remember that an open group is fine, but you should use Admin approval for every new request. The public is good. Public spam is not, and unfortunately, Facebook does have a spam problem!
Facebook is a gold mine for online marketers, in many ways, but the key to success is a clear goal. Don’t use Facebook just for the sake of using it, or because everyone else is. Have clear and defined goals about what you want to achieve, and how to achieve it.
Since opt-in email marketing is one of the best conversion methods in the digital marketing universes, it makes sense to make list building one of the major goals of your Facebook marketing!