Finding Your Target Audience on Social Media

Finding Your Target Audience on Social Media

Don’t bite off more than you can chew when you start on social media. There’s no need to jump on every social media #socialmedia site to get the word out about your business. There are hundreds of platforms, and millions of people are tweeting, pinning and posting every single day.

Your job is to locate the small percentage that is interested in the products and services you are selling. One of the principle advantages of social media for business is that your marketing endeavours can be targeted to specific audiences.

You may manufacture the best birdhouses in the world, but most people probably don’t want to see them. However, there are some who at this very minute are looking for the type of fabulous birdhouses you sell. Finding each other requires knuckling down and doing a little bit of homework.

Use Keywords for social media optimization Use Keywords
Your audience is already looking for you; they just don’t know you exist yet. Therefore, they won’t be typing your business name into a search engine. They will be using keywords associated with your niche such as “best birdhouses” and “beautiful birdhouses”.

You will need to include these keywords in your website to increase your chances of being seen by your target audience. One way to identify key terms is to ask yourself how would people find you via search engines. You could also use keyword tools to help uncover the most popular and pertinent keywords for your industry.

Where Does Your Audience Hang Out?
You need to know where your customers and prospects spend their time when they are online. Facebook is the still the world’s most popular social media network, where most people spend most of their social media time.

social media ROI social media software MavSocialIt’s a fair bet that some of your target audience is there. But this may not be the only channel that’s right for your business. Where else should you spend your time and energy for the best ROI?

Many social media platforms have their own distinctive characteristics that attract certain types of people and some of these may be on your wish list. So spend time looking at who’s using which sites to see if you should have a presence there.

You could also conduct an online and offline survey with your customers to find out which social media networks they use. Or include a feedback form on your print or email newsletter.

Join social media groups Be a Groupie
Whether hanging out online or in the real world human beings are social animals. We love to socialize and congregate in groups. Join social media groups that are appropriate for your business. Being an active and well liked member will organically draw an audience to you.

Join in the Conversations
Once you’ve established a presence on social media sites comment on status updates and posts, offer useful information and reply to tweets. Remember, social media is a marathon not a sprint so it will take time to build up your reputation. But if you’re saying things that people are interested in then you will reel them in.

Once you have identified your target audience #targetaudience you can devise smarter ways to reach out to them to generate more for your business.

From MavSocial | Social Media Marketing Software for Business

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